37,000 barrels of asphalt from 30 tanks and 5 miles of
asphalt filled pipe have been removed and landfilled on site (enough
asphalt to pave 25 miles of streets, had it still been useable)
75 miles of pipeline, including the five mentions
above, was removed
40,000 cubic yards of concrete and brick - as much as
was used to construct our 52-stroy Tulsa headquarters - have been
buried in an on-site landfill
104 steel storage tanks - the largest having a 75,000
- barrel capacity - have been demolished (our largest tank farm - Des
Moines - has 52 tanks)
18,000 tons of steel - enough to stretch around the
world more than 25,000 times if reduced to the diameter of a hair -
has been cut up and shipped out of the refinery
600 barrels of fuel material have been collected and
109 buildings of various sizes have been removed from
the site - the largest a four-story with 11,450 square feet on the
ground floor
101 pressure vessels and towers have been demolished -
the tallest being 182 feet
3,000 cubic yards of wood, non-asbestos insulation and
other solid debris have been buried on site.