Job Description Location Type Owner
Demo. of Upper Amulet Housing  Adak AD Dept of the Navy
Recycle Asphalt Anchorage CR Municipality of Anchorage
Analytica AK Tile Removal    Anchorage A Analytica Alaska, Inc
Hollywood Vista Apartments    Anchorage A Municipality of Anchorage
Alaska Soils Test             Anchorage SW British Petroleum
Unocal Soil Test                            Anchorage SW Unocal Alaska
Martin Arms Asbestos Abatement     Anchorage A  Cook Island Partnership
U.S.T. Soils                   Anchorage SW Ak Home Properties
Eielson AFB Utilidors          Anchorage A USAED, AK
Wendler Jr. High School        Anchorage A Anchorage School District
3 Battalion Hdqts., FT,WW,AK   Anchorage A USAED, AK
School Modifications Eiel. AFB Anchorage A D.H.S.
Clark Jr. High School          Anchorage A Anchorage School District
Chugach H.S. Asbestos Removal  Anchorage A Anchorage School District
Pt. Woronzoff Water Facility   Anchorage A Municipality of Anchorage
Anch. Int'l Airport            Anchorage A St of Alaska DOT
1st National Bank of Anchorage Anchorage A 1st National Bank of Anchorage
Anch. Int'l Airport Terminal   Anchorage AD St of Alaska DOT
D.O.T., Maintenance Yard      Anchorage A St of Alaska DOT
AK Airlines Operation Ctr.    Anchorage A Alaska Airline
Pt. Woronzof Water Facility   Anchorage A Municipality of Anchorage
Kincaid Park                  Anchorage A Municipality of Anchorage
Anchorage Hilton               Anchorage A Anchorage Hilton Hotel
Sydney Lawrence Theater        Anchorage A Municipality of Anchorage
Anch. Telephone Utility Serv.  Anchorage A Dept of Public Works
Old Headquarters Bldg.         Anchorage A Chugach Electric Association
Anch. Hist. & Fine Arts Museum Anchorage A Municipality of Anchorage
Club 25                        Anchorage A Municipality of Anchorage
Christian Methodist Church      Anchorage AD Municipality of Anchorage
Highland Correctional Center  Eagle River A Ak Dept of Corrections
Eielson AFB Utilidors, Phase 5 Eielson A Dept of the Air Force
Bldg. 3112, Eielson AFB, AK    Eielson A U.S. Army
Repair Whole House - Douglas   Elmendorf A Dept of the Air Force
Repair/Alter Bldg.. 41-760     Elmendorf A Dept of the Air Force
Elm AFB Glycol Systems, AK    Elmendorf A Dept of the Air Force
Bldg. 11-433, Elmendorf AFB    Elmendorf AD Dept of the Air Force
Bldg. 21-270, Elmendorf AFB   Elmendorf A USAED, AK
Bldg. 21-700                  Elmendorf A USAED, AK
Birch Park U.S.T. Removal     Fairbanks ER Ak Housing Authority
Upper Dorm Code Corrections    Fairbanks A University of Alaska
Joy School Asbestos Removal    Fairbanks A Fairbanks North Star Borough
Repair Hanger Doors, 2 & 6    Fairbanks A Dept of the Army
Ft. Wainwright Utilidor       Ft Wainwright A U.S. Army
Asbestos Removal, Bldg. 1054   Ft Wainwright A U.S. Army
Bldg. 1560, Ft. Wnwrt, AK      Ft Wainwright A U.S. Army
Bldg. 3419, Ft. Wnwrt., AK    Ft Wainwright A USAED, AK
Bldg. 3417, Ft. Wainwright Ft Wainwright A USAED, AK
Bldg. 3415, Ft. Wainwright Ft Wainwright A USAED, AK
Asb. Removal, Ft. Greely, AK   Ft. Greely A U.S. Army
U.S.F.W Kenai Cont. Soils     Kenai SW U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Wildwood Correction Center    Kenai A State of Alaska
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